About Us

Our Vision

our vision for bookkeeping services

We provide reliable and timely bookkeeping so that our clients have accurate financial information to help them grow and succeed.

As a QuickBooks Online expert for over 2 years, I saw a great need. And, with over 30 years' experience starting up and running small businesses I understand the frustrations owners have. Getting the time to do their own bookkeeping and making sure it is done correctly is a challenge. We help with that process. Accurate financial reports help a business owner understand the status of their business and are necessary at tax time.

My goal for Clear Business Advisors to become a leader in online professional bookkeeping, by providing the financial information that businesses and entrepreneurs need to grow and succeed.

Our Team

Hi, I’m Al Rodenburg. I love helping small businesses, which are the lifeblood of the U.S. economy.

The backbone of each business is good bookkeeping and investing in quality bookkeeping is essential for long-term growth and success.

Not only do we provide accurate and timely financial information, but, more importantly, we help you "read between the numbers" to understand what they really mean.

This not only helps your finances, it ultimately helps your entire business succeed. As a former QuickBooks Online expert and serial entrepreneur, I'm here to help.

owner, bookkeeping services

Al Rodenburg

CEO, Founder

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Copyright © 2024 Clear Business Advisors, LLC |

112 Juniper St., Lake Jackson, TX 77566-5000 | (979) 231-0858

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Copyright © 2024 Clear Business Advisors, LLC |

Clute, TX | (979) 231-0858

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